Lesson 3 – Narrate Your Own Book

How To Narrate Your Own Book:
Mastering Your Audio For Retail Release and Marketing Your New Audiobook
(Lesson 3)

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9 thoughts on “Lesson 3”

  1. David H. Lawrence XVII

    Welcome to the third free video lesson in How To Narrate Your Own Book!

    Feel free to ask your questions here…I am ready to answer them and help you begin your journey as an author who is also the narrator of their audiobook titles, for Audible and for any other production platform or publisher you want to work with.

    And remember, if you miss one of the videos, you can click on the little image of that video below the main video on this page, and it will take you to that video that you missed.

    So…Just post your questions below.

  2. I’m having a hard time figuring out how to do the stairstep method in Audacity (for Windows ver 3.4.2). I set my preferences to “Record on a new track,” but when I stop recording at the end of a clip and then start recording again, it starts a new track at time 0 rather than stairstepping out.

    1. David H. Lawrence XVII

      That setting is part of it, but there’s a lot more to it in terms of preparation of your Audacity project and its preferences, menu choices and interface selections. And good for you for having a bias for action!.

  3. Would you say this is a good program to take for someone who doesn’t have an audiobook to narrate? Instead, some folks (me) don’t plan to write a book but instead are primarily interested in narrating for nonprofit organizations.

    1. Hi Kimberly, this is Blair – a retired fellow in Pennsylvania.
      10 days ago I had never heard of David, but today I discovered how extremely talented and connected he is to many highly professional worlds of media and communication.
      He has known Danny Iny of Mirasee in Montreal for over a decade — the same team I have trained with for 7+ years — and his resume (David’s resume) will blow you away.
      I will tell you with 1000% certainty that he could help you …and if I am wrong, he will definitely tell you. His integrity is sky high.
      Like I said, I had never heard of him, nor have I ever studied with him. Regardless, I am impressed.
      This podcast alone will remove all doubts: https://mirasee.com/blog/podcasts/voice-of-reason-david-lawrence-xvii/

      My apologies if I have over-stepped some boundaries here David.

      1. David H. Lawrence XVII

        I so appreciate your support, Blair. I don’t think one can ever overstep one’s bounds when offering such kind words.

        Having said that, I’m going to reply to Kimberley with something slightly different than what you said, and let her make up her own mind.

    2. David H. Lawrence XVII

      As this course is focused entirely on the process of audiobook narration and production, I would only recommend it in your case if you were going to be producing and narrating publications that the nonprofit would be offering for sale via Audible. Certainly, we’ll be training our students, via our monthly live coaching, in performance skills that would possibly be applicable to what your nonprofit responsibilities would be, but I don’t want to give you the impression that absolutely everything we teach will be useful to you. I’d watch tomorrow’s “next steps” video and make your own judgment.

      1. Hi David, thanks so much for this. I’ll stay tuned for the “next steps” and decide from there. I really appreciate the clarification and the wealth of information you’ve already shared via this video series.

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